Urine tests are the most effective, non-invasive, and affordable way to screen, diagnose, and monitor various health conditions. Common tests are urinalysis, urine culture and 24-hour collection.
Usually, women must take more urine tests than men. Reasons are routine gynecological care, reproductive care such as ovulation, fertility, and pregnancy, and infections such as Urine Tract Infection (UTI) and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) that affect women far more than men.

The current urine collection method is extremely challenging and unfriendly to women, leading to false or missing results, repeated tests, and potential misdiagnosis. The necessity to urinate into a small cup, a tube or a large container, prevents women from collecting a proper urine sample or even completing the urine collection. Rapid diagnostics by either manual or digital detection, forces women to contact urine while urinating on diagnostic strips or dipping strips in urine cups.

Sampfly system allows women to obtain reliable results for all urine test types, by allowing them to successfully complete the urine collection and obtain the required sample. The single-use environment-friendly collectors allow women to urinate hands-free, in a regular fluent mode, and without contacting urine, obtain a high-quality urine sample in a sealed tube. Reliable rapid diagnostics is provided by digital detection of Urine Output per time and urine substances, with no urine contact.